Fruit Forum

Apples and Pears; a wealth of useful information

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Ian Harrison reviews the new edition of Alan Rowe's classic - Success with Apples and Pears to Eat and Drink.

First published in 2002, the publication of the second edition of Alan Rowe’s Success with Apples and Pears to Eat and Drink is timely. A renewal of public interest in the older varieties - bred for flavour - has also seen a growing taste for cider among a younger generation. The latter proving a stimulus for the replanting of orchards for cider production.

The resurgence of interest does not simply rest with a desire to rediscover and eat older varieties but, of necessity, to grow them as well. Witness not just the number of established vegetables catalogues - aimed at the amateur - that now give over many pages to fruits, but also the development of fruit growing projects in schools and community orchards.

The product of half a century of experience growing fruits, making cider and perry, Alan’s book will serve a new generation well, whether the reader wishes to grow a few trees, or, establish an orchard. They will find in it, chapters covering soil preparation, maintenance of trees, selection of varieties, rootstocks, control of pests and diseases. Further chapters advise on the storage of fruits and the making of cider and perry.

The chapters are well laid out and supported with photographs, line illustrations and summaries of essential points. A wealth of useful information is contained in the six appendices. The indices will save the reader much time when a quick reference is needed.

This is a book that could only be written by someone who enjoys their relationship with the trees they grow and the fruits shared with family and friends. Those who read it will place themselves within a tradition of fruit growing that is millennia old.

One can only wish success, every success for the future.

Ian Harrison

Success with Apples andf Pears to Eat and Drink; A practical gardener's guide to varieties, husbandry, harvesting, storing and making juices, cyder and perry  by Alan Row; second edition published by Groundnut Publishing; £12.95 ; 134pp, many colour and balck and white illustrations.